H2OSecCon 2025- a virtual security event for the water sector - happening May 20th. Register Now!
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The EPA’s Analytical Preparedness Full-Scale Exercise (AP-FSE) Toolkit provides water utilities, laboratories, and states the tools and training to conduct an exercise that involves coordinating...
FEMA's Business Continuity Planning Suite was created for any business with the need to create, improve, or update its business continuity plan. The Suite consists of business continuity plan...
U.S. EPA's CREAT is a risk assessment application, which helps utilities in adapting to extreme weather events through a better understanding of current and long-term weather conditions.
U.S. EPA's Climate Scenarios Projection Map illustrates potential climate change effects throughout the United States. These effects include changes in average annual temperature, precipitation,...
"U.S. EPA's Coordination between State Primacy Agencies and State Emergency Management Agencies Fact Sheet focuses on collaborative opportunities between public water and emergency management when...
U.S. EPA's Community-Based Water Resiliency (CBWR) Tool (version 2.0) is an easy way to find out how prepared a community is to handle emergencies that impact water systems. Users also learn about...
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Community Resilience Planning Guide for Buildings and Infrastructure Systems provides a practical and flexible approach to help all...
U.S. EPA's Coordination of the Water and Emergency Services Sectors Face Sheet highlights why it is important for drinking water and wastewater utilities to establish working relationships with...
DHS CISA's Cyber Essentials contains a list of six actionable items for leaders and IT professionals to take to reduce cyber risk. CISA has also started releasing toolkits that...
UPDATE - December 2024
On December 18, 2024, WaterISAC unveiled the fourth and final set of three of its newly updated 12 Cybersecurity Fundamentals for Water and...
The American Water Works Association's (AWWA's) Cybersecurity Risk & Responsibility in the Water Sector report seeks to help water utilities understand their cybersecurity risks and what they...
U.S. EPA's Water Laboratory Alliance is a nationwide network of laboratories that serves the water sector. This network helps laboratories and utilities respond to water contamination events...
U.S. EPA's Drinking Water Utility Response Protocol Toolbox (DWRPTB) and Wastewater Utility Response Protocol Toolbox (WWRPTB) help drinking water and wastewater utilities address contamination...
Section 2013 of The America's Water Infrastructure Act (AWIA)
Section 2013 of The America's Water Infrastructure Act (AWIA) amends Sec. 1433 of the Safe Drinking Water Act. To read...
U.S. EPA's Drought Response and Recovery Guide provides worksheets, best practices, videos and key resources for responding to drought emergencies and building long-term resilience. The guide...
U.S. EPA's EMAC Fact Sheet walks utilities through how to use the Emergency Management Assistance Compact to request resources during an emergency.
The Emergency Management Assistance Compact is a congressionally ratified mutual aid compact that legally establishes a national system to facilitate resources across state lines during an...
During water system interruptions, the operation of health care facilities is severely interrupted and capability can be almost completely degraded within two hours. In order to maintain daily...
U.S. EPA's FedFUNDS site gives utilities information about federal disaster funding programs. Although FedFUNDS focuses on major disasters, you can use the information for any incident that...
WaterISAC has compiled a set of resources for you to consider as you prepare for potential flooding scenarios. All of the linked resources here are available through WaterISAC.
U.S. EPA's Flood Resilience Guide helps utilities understand the flooding threat and identify practical mitigation options to protect their critical assets. The guide includes worksheets and step-...