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Thoughts on Ransomware Readiness

Thoughts on Ransomware Readiness

Created: Thursday, June 10, 2021 - 12:25
Cybersecurity, Security Preparedness

In light of the current barrage of ransomware attacks, the following selections provide alternative (and agreeable) viewpoints and facts about ransomware and the fight we are all facing. From defenders, to policy makers, and cybersecurity advisors, we all have a role in combatting what has become a national security threat – and not compound the problem.

Poignant Points on the Hard Truths About Ransomware – Cybersecurity expert Kevin Beaumont provides some hard truths about the battle against ransomware. It is a longer read, but worth it. Kevin largely defends the organizations/companies on the front lines of these attacks with somewhat of a difficult assertion to read about how our cybersecurity guidance isn't always helpful, let alone practical for most organizations – ouch! (but that doesn't mean we stop trying to help). Also, another key takeaway is that we ALL need to put pressure on the security product industry to stop up-selling security and provide it because it is the right thing to do and not use it for the benefit of their bottom line. Kevin draws on his years of industry experience, research, and observations. Members are encouraged to take a look at this post on his blog at Double Pulsar.

Dale Peterson is Waiting For… ICS cybersecurity industry veteran and community thought leader Dale Peterson poses an interesting perspective on ransomware response and readiness that all water and wastewater utilities can probably identify with. Dale is “waiting for a company that is ready for ransomware in the same way they would be ready for a weather event.Check out Dale Peterson for his suggested response if this hypothetical company gets hit with ransomware.