Summary: Recent research by Check Point indicates that cyber attacks on the energy and utilities sector, including water, in North America have increased significantly. Thus far in 2025, there has been an 89% rise in weekly attack attempts per organization compared to the same time period last year.
Analyst Note: Recent attacks on U.S. water utilities and a significant rise in known attempted attacks highlights the likelihood of major cybersecurity incidents in the water sector, potentially affecting millions of people in the future. Check Point indicates this kind of attack is not a matter of if, but when, and the need for cyber resilience among water utilities is a critical priority. According to the EPA, 98% of cyberattacks could be prevented or minimized with basic cyber hygiene. Recommendations by Check Point include:
- Mandating Cyber Security Training
- Enforcing Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
- Developing Incident Response Plans
- Investing in Endpoint and Network Security.
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Mitigation Recommendations:
Related WaterISAC PIRs: 6, 12