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1791 total results
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Seven Islamic State Foreign Fighters Have Returned to the U.S., According to Report
Oct 27, 2017 in Physical Security, Research, Security Preparedness
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Federal Government to Explore UAS Operations and Regulations with Newly Announced Pilot Program
Oct 26, 2017 in Emergency Response & Recovery, Federal & State Resources, Physical Security
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Energy Sector Group Creates Database of Protester Attacks
Oct 26, 2017 in Physical Security, Security Preparedness
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Las Vegas Shooter Researched SWAT Tactics
Oct 26, 2017 in Intelligence, Physical Security
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Newly Released FBI Documents Reveal Additional Details about Sandy Hook Shooter
Oct 25, 2017 in Intelligence, Physical Security, Security Preparedness
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Suspect Facing Terrorism Charge in Williamsburg, VA IED Explosion
Oct 24, 2017 in Physical Security
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Aerial Photos of Wastewater Treatment Plant Found in Arrested Man's Cache of Weapons and Explosives
Oct 24, 2017 in Physical Security
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Maryland-Delaware Attacks Highlight Need to Pay Attention to Workplace Shooter Signs
Oct 19, 2017 in Physical Security, Security Preparedness
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Terror Groups Make IED Recipes Accessible to All, Regardless of Motive
Oct 17, 2017 in Intelligence, Physical Security, Security Preparedness
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Assessing U.S. Counterterrorism Policy Since 9/11
Oct 10, 2017 in Physical Security, Research, Security Preparedness
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Islamic State Sympathizers Planned to “Create the Next 9/11” with Attacks on New York City
Oct 10, 2017 in Federal & State Resources, Physical Security, Security Preparedness
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Suspected Terror Attacks in Edmonton, Canada and Marseille, France
Oct 03, 2017 in Intelligence, Physical Security, Security Preparedness
