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1791 total results
CISA Infographic on Security Awareness Considerations for Preventing Workplace Violence
Nov 21, 2023 in Federal & State Resources, Physical Security, Security Preparedness
US Eyes Only
Fusion Center Report Examines Threat from Malicious Actors Exploiting Emerging Technology to Attack Critical Infrastructure
Nov 28, 2023 in General Security and Resilience, Physical Security
Members Only
In-Depth Think Tank Report on Domestic Violent Extremist Targeting of the U.S. Power Grid
Nov 28, 2023 in Physical Security, Research
Members Only
Increasing Availability of Drones Could Help Facilitate Chemical Terrorist Attacks, according to Counterterrorism Expert
Nov 28, 2023 in Physical Security
Members Only
CTC Sentinel – October/November 2023: The Israel-Hamas Conflict and the Heightened Global Terrorist Threat
Nov 30, 2023 in General Security and Resilience, Physical Security
US Eyes Only
Largest Terrorist Attack in Israeli History Leads to New Round of Conflict Between Israel and Hamas and Potential for Heightened Threat Activity in the U.S. (Updated December 5, 2023)
Dec 05, 2023 in Physical Security, Security Preparedness
Members Only
International Terrorist Groups Remain a “Resilient and Determined Threat,” according to U.S. State Department Report
Dec 05, 2023 in Intelligence, Physical Security
Members Only
Anarchist Violent Extremists Claim Acts of Sabotage on Railroad Infrastructure in Anti-Israel Action
Dec 07, 2023 in Physical Security
US Eyes Only
Government Report on the Enduring Violent Extremist Threat to the Energy Sector
Dec 12, 2023 in Intelligence, Physical Security
US Eyes Only
Government Report on Potential Violent Extremist Threats to the Dams Sector
Dec 12, 2023 in Intelligence, Physical Security
Members Only
Two Men Arrested in Canada for Allegedly Contributing to the Production of Terrorgram Propaganda and Connections with Atomwaffen Division Violent Extremist Group
Dec 12, 2023 in Physical Security
US Eyes Only
DHS Terrorist Media Overview – October 2023
Dec 14, 2023 in General Security and Resilience, Physical Security
