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1882 total results
Citing Urgent National Security Risk, Task Force Urges Broad Action on Ransomware
May 04, 2021 in Cybersecurity, Federal & State Resources
Members Only
Senate Passes Drinking Water Cybersecurity Legislation
May 04, 2021 in Cybersecurity, Federal & State Resources
Entire U.S. West Coast Now Has Access to ShakeAlert Earthquake Early Warning System
May 06, 2021 in Emergency Response & Recovery, Federal & State Resources, Natural Disasters
NOAA Notes “A Warmer Normal” from Analysis of Latest Climate Data
May 06, 2021 in Federal & State Resources, Natural Disasters, Research
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U.S. Joins Global Pledge to Eliminate Terrorist and Violent Extremist Content Online, Launches Warning System to Identify Potential Targets
May 11, 2021 in Federal & State Resources, Intelligence, Security Preparedness
DHS Creates New Center to Combat Terrorism and Targeted Violence
May 13, 2021 in Federal & State Resources, Security Preparedness
White House Issues Executive Order Aimed at Protecting Federal Government Networks and Improving Nation’s Cybersecurity
May 13, 2021 in Cybersecurity, Federal & State Resources
Noting Increase in Gun-related Violence, CISA Emphasizes Importance of Active Shooter Preparedness
May 18, 2021 in Federal & State Resources, Physical Security, Security Preparedness
EPA Reminds Partners of Hurricane Preparedness Resources
May 18, 2021 in Emergency Response & Recovery, Federal & State Resources, Natural Disasters
Planning and Response to Active Shooter Best Practice Guide
May 20, 2021 in Federal & State Resources, Physical Security, Security Preparedness
Citing Looming Natural Disaster Threats, President Biden Doubles Funding for Community Preparedness Efforts
May 25, 2021 in Federal & State Resources, General Security and Resilience, Natural Disasters
FEMA Prioritizes Pandemic Preparedness and “Food, Water, and Shelter” Projects for Grant Opportunity
May 25, 2021 in Federal & State Resources, General Security and Resilience
