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Resource Center

166 total results
WaterISAC – EPA: National Security Information Sharing Bulletin
Sep 25, 2024 in Cybersecurity, General Security and Resilience, Physical Security
Members Only
CTC Sentinel – July/August 2024: Analyzing the Islamic State Threat and Preventing Targeted Violence
Aug 15, 2024 in General Security and Resilience, Physical Security, Research
Members Only
July 17, 2024 WaterISAC Physical Threat Briefing
Jul 18, 2024 in General Security and Resilience, Physical Security, WaterISAC Events
Members Only
E-ISAC Monthly Report: Online Physical Threats – May 2024
Jul 11, 2024 in General Security and Resilience, Physical Security
Members Only
CTC Sentinel – June 2024: Terrorist Threats to the Paris Olympics and 3D-Printed Firearms
Jul 02, 2024 in General Security and Resilience, Physical Security, Research
Members Only
FBI Report: “Call to Action…to Block Ports and Railyards” on July 1, 2024 Stemming from Israel-Hamas Conflict
Jun 25, 2024 in General Security and Resilience, Physical Security, Security Preparedness
Members Only
Federal Government Report Offers Insider Threat Mitigation Guidance
Jun 18, 2024 in General Security and Resilience, Physical Security, Security Preparedness
Members Only
CTC Sentinel – May 2024: Examining the Islamic State’s Increasing Transnational Threat and Rising Threats to Public Officials
May 30, 2024 in General Security and Resilience, Physical Security
Members Only
CTC Sentinel – April 2024: The Growing Threat of Non-State Actors to the International Community
May 02, 2024 in General Security and Resilience, Physical Security
Members Only
CTC Sentinel – March 2024: The Future of Jihadi Islamic Terrorism
Mar 28, 2024 in General Security and Resilience, Physical Security
Members Only
CTC Sentinel – February 2024: Emerging Counterterrorism Challenges
Feb 27, 2024 in General Security and Resilience, Physical Security
US Eyes Only
DHS Violent Extremist Media Overview – December 2023
Feb 27, 2024 in General Security and Resilience, Physical Security
