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Resource Center

1661 total results
Members Only
Joint U.S. Government Report Assesses Wide-Ranging Domestic Violent Extremist Threat to Persist
Jun 23, 2022 in General Security and Resilience, Intelligence
US Eyes Only
DVE Group Seeking to Recruit New Members and Discussing Various Targets
Jun 21, 2022 in General Security and Resilience
Members Only
Top DOJ Official Discusses Complex Threat Environment During Recent Conference
Jun 21, 2022 in General Security and Resilience
CISA Releases New Active Shooter Pocket Card
Jun 21, 2022 in General Security and Resilience, Security Preparedness
Members Only
New Research Demonstrates Value of Crowd Sourced Data for Snow and Water Management
Jun 16, 2022 in General Security and Resilience
FEMA Releases Updated Planning Guidance for Response to a Nuclear Detonation
Jun 16, 2022 in Emergency Response & Recovery, General Security and Resilience
CISA Releases New Vehicle Ramming Self-Assessment Tool
Jun 16, 2022 in General Security and Resilience, Physical Security, Security Preparedness
FEMA Study Outlines Wildfire Risks to Areas Bordering Wildlands
Jun 14, 2022 in Federal & State Resources, General Security and Resilience, Natural Disasters
Members Only
New Data from Past Droughts in Colorado River Basin Could Help Inform Future Water Planning Needs
Jun 14, 2022 in General Security and Resilience, Research
Members Only
How Domestic Violent Extremists Learn from the Islamic State's Use of Emerging Technologies
Jun 14, 2022 in General Security and Resilience, Research
US Eyes Only
Recent Mass Shootings Likely to Drive Increased Threat from Domestic Violent Extremists
Jun 14, 2022 in General Security and Resilience, Physical Security
US Eyes Only
Overview of Major Threats to the U.S. Homeland in 2022
Jun 09, 2022 in General Security and Resilience, Intelligence
