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Resource Center

1155 total results
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Detectable Concentrations of Ebola Survive in Wastewater for at Least a Week, According to Research
Sep 01, 2015 in Contamination, Research
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Background of Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, Leader of the Islamic State
Sep 02, 2015 in Physical Security, Research, Security Preparedness
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Mitigating Threats in the Wake of the OPM Breach
Sep 03, 2015 in Cybersecurity, Research
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Research Reveals How Trace Amounts of Arsenic Moved from Sediments into Groudwater Aquifers
Sep 04, 2015 in Contamination, Research
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California’s Extreme Drought as a Lesson for Managing Water in a Warmer, More Densely Populated World
Sep 08, 2015 in Natural Disasters, Research
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Droughts and Heat Waves Increasingly Happening at the Same Time, According to Report
Sep 08, 2015 in Natural Disasters, Research
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DHS Releases Mid-Atlantic Hurricane Scenario Analysis Report
Sep 10, 2015 in Emergency Response & Recovery, Natural Disasters, Research
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The Al-Qa’ida Threat 14 Years After 9/11
Sep 11, 2015 in Intelligence, Research, Security Preparedness
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Risk Analysis for the High Plains Aquifer
Sep 14, 2015 in Research, General Security and Resilience
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Assessment of Infrastructure Aging and Failure Among U.S. Highway Bridges
Sep 15, 2015 in Research, General Security and Resilience
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Executives Lack Confidence in Their Cybersecurity Postures, According to Survey Results
Sep 17, 2015 in Cybersecurity, Research
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Destructive Southern California Wildfires Belong to Two Distinct Regimes
Sep 17, 2015 in Natural Disasters, Research
