Members of WaterISAC are no strangers to Stuxnet. Uncovered in 2010, Stuxnet was the first of what was anticipated, if not expected, to be the beginning of a “cyber warfare” era. Stuxnet marked the first true cyber weapon in history designed to physically attack a military target. For those not intimately familiar with its background, Ralph Langner, the foremost authority on Stuxnet, recounts the backstory and enriched technical details of the autonomous, stealthy, patient, calculating, uber-virus. Mr. Langner concludes that even to his surprise, this level of cyber warfare did not continue in the decade to come. Ten years ago the world ignored Mr. Langner’s reporting. He points out that these days it is almost the complete opposite where “every major or minor explosion and power outage is speculated to have a cyber background.” But, “fact is that even though Stuxnet introduced cyber weapons for real, cyberwar didn’t happen in the decade that followed, and we have the means to make sure that it stays that way for quite a while.” He certainly contends that does not mean we are safe, but cautions us from inflating every news story or vendor briefing that suggests Cyber Armageddon is just around the corner. Watch the video or read the transcript at Langner
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