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WaterISAC Recommended AWWA Cybersecurity Guidance and Tool for Water and Wastewater Utilities Receives Broader Coverage

WaterISAC Recommended AWWA Cybersecurity Guidance and Tool for Water and Wastewater Utilities Receives Broader Coverage

Created: Thursday, July 19, 2018 - 14:39

Tripwire posted an article describing the American Water Works Association (AWWA) Cybersecurity Guidance and Tool for water and wastewater utilities looking to more comprehensively evaluate and bolster their current cybersecurity posture. AWWA’s Cybersecurity Guidance was developed specifically to help water sector utility owners/operators with a “consistent and repeatable recommended course of action to reduce vulnerabilities to cyber attacks.” Likewise, the tool allows water/wastewater entities to evaluate their current environment through selected use cases that more closely mirror their organization, and provides a more comprehensive and realistic description of how to implement the recommended controls. Members are encouraged to download the AWWA Cybersecurity Guidance and Tool and assess your network environments regularly. Tripwire.