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WaterISAC and Perch Security – Bringing Utilities Together to Fight Cybercrime

WaterISAC and Perch Security – Bringing Utilities Together to Fight Cybercrime

Created: Tuesday, December 5, 2017 - 12:16

More and more water and wastewater utilities rely on advanced technology for plant automation and IT/OT convergence, a reality cyber criminals are not ignorant to. As such, commodity threats like ransomware and business email compromise (BEC), and sophisticated threats like Dragonfly are not uncommon occurrences in the water and wastewater sector. Sifting through the volumes of information on these and other potential threats to understand those that actually represent risks would entail a significant investment of time and resources for any organization. Through its new partnership with Perch Security, WaterISAC helps to address this challenge for water and wastewater utilities by offering a service that facilitates automated information sharing among its members, a process that also validates and increases the value of the threat intelligence gathered. Increased community sharing through WaterISAC and Perch helps all organizations prioritize their cyber defense efforts with a reasonable investment. WaterOne.

Interested in learning more about Perch? Register for the Perch Introductory Webinar, scheduled for Tuesday, December 19, from 1:00 to 2:00 PM ET (additional information and a link to the registration page are included on WaterISAC's Events page).