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Two More Attacks on Israeli Water Infrastructure – Israeli Government Advises Securing Cellular Communications Equipment

Two More Attacks on Israeli Water Infrastructure – Israeli Government Advises Securing Cellular Communications Equipment

Created: Tuesday, July 21, 2020 - 11:56

Another round of cyber attacks reportedly targeted Israeli water infrastructure in June. According to officials, two cyber attacks took place. Reports state that one of the attacks hit agricultural water pumps in upper Galilee, while the other one hit water pumps in the central province of Mateh Yehuda. As reported to Ynet News, “These are two spot and small sewage facilities in the agricultural sector that were repaired immediately and independently by the local person in charge of the kibbutz and the facility, without damage to service or actual impact,” the Water Authority said. Additionally, in what seems to be an exclusive, SecurityWeek learned the government advised organizations following the attacks in April to ensure their cellular communications equipment is not vulnerable, a point that has not been previously discussed. “An anonymous source with knowledge of the cyberattacks told SecurityWeek that both the latest and the April incidents involved vulnerable cellular routers, which enable organizations to remotely connect to their industrial systems.” In what is being called a “tit-for-tat” between Israel and Iran, unsurprisingly neither side admits any wrongdoing for first or retaliatory attacks. Read more about the recent attacks at SecurityWeek