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Security Awareness – “RockYou2024” Password Compilation Leak Boasts “Largest of all Time”

Security Awareness – “RockYou2024” Password Compilation Leak Boasts “Largest of all Time”

Created: Tuesday, July 9, 2024 - 14:36
Cybersecurity, Security Preparedness

Cybersecurity researchers have recently reported that threat actors leaked a significant compilation of passwords on a popular hacking forum totaling 9.9 billion passwords. The compilation, known as “RockYou2024” was posted by a user named “ObamaCare” on July 4, and boasts the “largest password compilation of all time.” These kinds of sensational headlines are indeed notable. However, it’s important to note that this is not a new development, nor are these believed to all be newly leaked credentials. Experts assess the compilation likely contains credentials from “old and new data breaches.”

Nonetheless, threat actors often rely on password compilations such as this one to carry out credential stuffing attacks to compromise users’ accounts. While this data set may not be entirely new, it is still a valuable example of why passwords still matter and emphasizes the importance of maintaining unique usernames and passwords across all sites and services. Using a password manager to create strong and unique passwords and store them securely significantly reduces the risk posed by data breaches. Read more at Security Affairs and Infosecurity Magazine.