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Schneider Electric IGSS Mobile (ICSA-18-046-03) – Product Used in the Energy Sector

Schneider Electric IGSS Mobile (ICSA-18-046-03) – Product Used in the Energy Sector

Created: Thursday, February 15, 2018 - 15:31

ICS-CERT has released an advisory on a Schneider Electric IGSS Mobile vulnerability. All versions including and prior to 3.01 of IGSS Mobile for Android and IGSS Mobile for iOS are affected. Successful exploitation of these vulnerabilities could allow an attacker to execute a man-in-the-middle attack. In addition, passwords can be accessed by unauthorized users. An update for Android with the fix for these vulnerabilities is available for download on Google Play. An update for iOS with the fix for these vulnerabilities is available on Apple Store. ICS-CERT also recommends a series of defensive measures to minimize the risk of exploitation of this vulnerability. ICS-CERT.