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Save the Date for H2OSecCon 2023!

Save the Date for H2OSecCon 2023!

Created: Thursday, April 20, 2023 - 15:38
General Security and Resilience, WaterISAC Events

WaterISAC is excited to announce they will be hosting H2OSecCon again this year! Kicking off its inaugural event in 2022, this year's event will be held virtually from October 19 - 20. The virtual event will feature panel discussions and presentations from water utility and security experts sharing their experiences and recommendations on physical security, IT and OT cybersecurity, and resilience. Along with presentations, the event will host both cyber and physical tabletop exercises on the last day.  Additional details will be forthcoming on the website -  In the meantime, mark your calendars and be ready to level up your company’s physical security, IT and OT cybersecurity, and resilience.