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Recent Swatting Attacks Targeting Camera and Voice-Capable Smart Devices

Recent Swatting Attacks Targeting Camera and Voice-Capable Smart Devices

Created: Tuesday, January 5, 2021 - 12:35
Cybersecurity, Physical Security

The FBI has issued a Public Service Announcement (PSA) warning users of smart home device with cameras and voice capabilities to use complex, unique passwords and enable two-factor authentication to help protect against “swatting” attacks. Smart home device manufacturers recently notified law enforcement that offenders have been using stolen e-mail passwords to access smart devices with cameras and voice capabilities and carry out these attacks. Swatting refers to a hoax call made to emergency services, typically reporting an immediate threat to human life, to draw a response from law enforcement to a specific location. These incidents often result in confusion and sometimes in violence; they also pull limited resources away from valid emergencies. Read the PSA at the FBI.