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Ransomware Resilience – Federal Government: Low Victim Reporting Hampers Ransomware Response Efforts

Ransomware Resilience – Federal Government: Low Victim Reporting Hampers Ransomware Response Efforts

Created: Tuesday, May 9, 2023 - 14:34

CyberScoop has written an article discussing federal concerns over victims’ reluctance to report ransomware attacks to the broader community, as outlined in the Institute for Security and Technology’s  Ransomware Task Force May 2023 Progress Report. The FBI and Justice Department have stated that only 20% of victims report if they’ve been infected. “If we could move that number from 20-30% to up to 70-80% we could make an even bigger impact than we’re already doing,” said Marshall Miller, principal associate deputy attorney general at the Justice Department.

While companies’ willingness to report attacks has always been low, task force members feel that there has been some progress forward. “I think the conversation has shifted from should we report this to law enforcement but rather when should we report this to law enforcement,” said David Ring of the FBI’s Cyber Division “Most have recognized there’s more risk in not sharing and not reporting.” Read more at CyberScoop.