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Ransomware Resilience – Crisis Communications for Local Governments During Ransomware Attacks

Ransomware Resilience – Crisis Communications for Local Governments During Ransomware Attacks

Created: Thursday, June 22, 2023 - 14:11

CSO Online has written an article discussing the complexities of crisis communication for local governments suffering from a ransomware incident.

Using the recent Dallas attack as an example, the author noted how the drawn out response highlights the delicate balance between the government’s responsibility to inform citizens of the attack’s details and the need for secrecy in order to reduce any leverage an attacker might use to press their extortion demands. Unlike companies, citizens are directly and immediately impacted if services become unavailable. This changes the communications landscape that municipalities and local governments face. Unfortunately, many governments respond to these challenges by barely sharing any information publicly, potentially due to the influence of their insurance company. However, interviewed experts said that, at a minimum, ETAs for service restoration should be provided and updated on a regular basis. Even if series of updates states that the ETA is unknown, citizens will still be assuaged by the cadence being maintained. Read more at CSO Online.