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RAND Corporation Releases Interactive Tool for Climate Mitigations Targeted at Critical Infrastructure

RAND Corporation Releases Interactive Tool for Climate Mitigations Targeted at Critical Infrastructure

Created: Thursday, September 14, 2023 - 13:23
General Security and Resilience, Natural Disasters, Security Preparedness

The Homeland Security Operational Analysis Center, a federally funded research and development center operated by the RAND Corporation, has created an interactive tool titled Climate Adaptation Strategies for National Critical Functions.

This tool maps a series of mitigations to the National Critical Functions (NCFs), or government and private sector functions that are vital to the nation, based on what type of climate change affects that function and what type of impact it would have on the operation of that function. Supply Water and Manage Wastewater are both listed as NCFs and members are encouraged to check the tool to see what additional NCFs their organization might support, as well as policy recommendations that can be brought to leadership. Read more at the RAND Corporation.