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Phishing, Ransomware, and other Threats Continued to Plague Email Security in 2022

Phishing, Ransomware, and other Threats Continued to Plague Email Security in 2022

Created: Tuesday, January 3, 2023 - 15:12

Email security continues to challenge organizations large and small and remains one of the principal attack vectors in which threat actors gain access to a company before conducting further malicious activity, such as ransomware attacks. While security teams continuously combat email security with controls such as encryption and business email compromise protection, fundamentally, email security is about people. As stated in the 2022 Cybersecurity Year in Review Report from SC Media, while organizations do run training sessions and communicate about fraudulent emails, people still click on things they shouldn’t. Essentially, “if they don’t get a big red warning from the security systems, they just don’t think about every email they touch.”

Raising employee awareness about social engineering tactics and other email threats can greatly decrease the chances of an attacker compromising an organization. To strengthen your utility’s email security, members should conduct frequent security awareness training and work to foster a security culture. Awareness training helps cybersecurity professionals better manage human risk by altering how employees think about cybersecurity and teaching them to carefully consider their behaviors. Read more at SC Media.