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National Cybersecurity Awareness Month: Safeguarding the Nation’s Infrastructure Needs to Be “Our Shared Responsibility”

National Cybersecurity Awareness Month: Safeguarding the Nation’s Infrastructure Needs to Be “Our Shared Responsibility”

Created: Monday, October 22, 2018 - 16:54

The theme for this week of National Cybersecurity Awarness Month is “Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity,” for which the National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA) is seeking to raise awareness of the important role individuals and organizations play in helping to protect the assets and systems we depend upon. “NCSA, [the U.S. Department of Homeland Security], and thousands of supporters are committed to reiterating the message that everyone shares a role in protecting cyberspace. If internet users nationwide do their part to follow basic cybersecurity practices, citizens and the country at large will be safer and more secure,” said NCSA Executive Director Russ Schrader. As with all weeks in NCSAM, the NCSA has provided a list of resources and upcoming events partners can access to bolster their cyber postures. These include a free on-demand, interactive video training from ESET that businesses can send to their employees to help them become more cyber aware and an October 23 webinar about cloud security by Symantec. National Cyber Security Alliance.