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Implementing a Risk-Based Approach to Vulnerability Management

Implementing a Risk-Based Approach to Vulnerability Management

Created: Thursday, September 13, 2018 - 15:40

In a recently published report, cybersecurity company Gartner advocates for a risk-based approach to vulnerability management that correlates asset value, the severity of the vulnerabilities, and threat actor activity. As discussed by an analyst from IBM who reviewed the report, one of the biggest challenges plaguing security teams worldwide is figuring out which vulnerabilities, out of the multitude that are uncovered daily, to remediate first. With limited time and resources, security teams must sift through vulnerabilities, sometimes manually, trying to decipher which one could cause the most harm to their organizations. As a result, security teams often waste time following up on false positives and minimal risk vulnerabilities, while the most dangerous ones remained unpatched. Having a system for prioritizing vulnerabilities by overall risk can make the task much easier and more effective. IBM.