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ICS Cyber Resilience - Don't Forget About Legacy Equipment

ICS Cyber Resilience - Don't Forget About Legacy Equipment

Created: Thursday, August 30, 2018 - 12:40
Cybersecurity, General Security and Resilience

Tripwire has posted an article on the importance of considering, or rather not forgetting about legacy ICS equipment in the overall cyber resilience strategy. Originally designed to last for decades - a significantly longer lifespan than most modern technology - legacy equipment often lacks the ability to be updated/upgraded in place without the need to replace devices or completely overhaul the system. Likewise, built for simplicity and reliability, legacy components were designed without regard to cybersecurity or the need for the interconnectedness brought about from the Industrial Internet-of-Things (IIoT). These design shortcomings leave some equipment perpetually vulnerable. Short of replacing components, Tripwire suggests three ways to address security regarding legacy equipment, including the need for continuous monitoring. Tripwire