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Here’s Why Foreign Intelligence Agencies Want Your Data

Here’s Why Foreign Intelligence Agencies Want Your Data

Created: Thursday, January 24, 2019 - 14:25
Cybersecurity, Intelligence

It may seem strange that nation states are behind breaches of companies like Marriott and Delta. Such attacks would seem to be done for financial gain, a motive that is more often attributed to individuals and criminal groups than countries. As an article from Radware explains, foreign intelligence agencies can accumulate a lot of information about these companies’ customers from these breaches, which they can use to build profiles of certain individuals. Therefore, when a company you do business with suffers a data breach, it’s important to consider the bigger picture and take measures to protect oneself. The “Know the Risk, Raise Your Shield” program, which was recently made available by Office of the Director of National Intelligence to state, local, tribal, and territorial entities as well as private sector partners, contains numerous resources to assist in this effort. They include videos about human targeting, travel awareness, and spear phishing as well as reports, brochures, and flyers about related issues. Read the article at Radware.