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Geutebruck IP Cameras (ICSA-18-079-01) – Products Used in the Energy Sector

Geutebruck IP Cameras (ICSA-18-079-01) – Products Used in the Energy Sector

Created: Tuesday, March 20, 2018 - 16:33

The NCCIC has released an advisory on a vulnerability in Geutebruck IP Cameras. Firmware version of G-Cam/EFD-2250 and firmware version 3.15.1 of Topline TopFD-2125 are affected. Successful exploitation of these vulnerabilities could lead to proxy network scans, access to a database, adding an unauthorized user to the system, full configuration download including passwords, and remote code execution. Geutebrück recommends G-Cam/EFD-2250 users download and update to the newest firmware version, The NCCIC also recommends a series of defensive measures to minimize the risk of exploitation of this vulnerability. ICS-CERT.