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FTC Advisory on Overpaid Utility Bill Scams

FTC Advisory on Overpaid Utility Bill Scams

Created: Tuesday, October 27, 2020 - 13:27

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has posted an advisory on overpaid utility bill scams. While primarily intended for consumers, a utility could provide this advisory to its customers to help them identify and avoid these scams. According to the advisory, in this scam a customer receives a robocall saying they paid too much on a utility bill. To make up for this mistake, they’ll get a cash refund and a discount on future bills. All they have to do is provide some information, such as their social security number or account details, to get their money and discount. When faced with these scam attempts, the FTC recommends hanging up, never giving out personal details, and contacting the actual utility company (using the number on the bill), among other tips. Read the advisory at the FTC.