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Fired IT Employee Annihilates 23 of Ex-Employer’s Servers

Fired IT Employee Annihilates 23 of Ex-Employer’s Servers

Created: Monday, March 25, 2019 - 18:10

A digital marketing and software company fired one of its IT employees after a month of unsatisfactory performance. The ex-employee responded by stealing the login credentials of a former colleague and deleting the company’s information on 23 Amazon Web Services (AWS) servers. The company was never able to regain the data and lost big contracts a result; authorities estimate its losses amounted to about $700,000. It took months to track down the culprit who, by the time of his arrest, was working for a different company. Recently convicted in court, the man received a sentence of two years jail time. During the trial, both the prosecutor and the company’s CEO admitted the company could have done a better job at security. This includes implementing two-factor authentication, which would have made it harder for the ex-employer to impersonate the current employee. Read the article at Sophos.