CISA is inviting dams sector stakeholders to participate in the 2024 Dams Sector Information Sharing Drill, which will be conducted virtually on May 7 and 8, 2024. To participate in the drill, your organization must register by April 16 using the link below.
What Will the Drill Entail?
The drill is intended to serve as a learning environment for sector stakeholders to identify and assess information sharing issues and concerns that could affect the sector during heightened threat conditions. During the drill, a scenario will stress-test the effectiveness of the sector’s information sharing mechanisms, processes, and procedures related to incidents affecting information technology (IT) and operational technology (OT) environments. This physical/cyber convergence approach will allow players to test procedures for their cybersecurity plans and response activities and review current physical security measures and areas for improvement.
The drill will be conducted virtually over a period of two days, on May 7 and 8. Two administrative calls will be held in support of the drill: a Kickoff Call on April 30 and a Hot Wash Call on May 8. Participation details for all events will be sent out to registered participants.
Who May Participate?
The drill is open to all sector stakeholders representing owners and operators (e.g., operations, emergency managers, and engineers), first responders responding to dam and levee incidents, and others that support the sector (e.g., associations, regulators, and consultants).
Will WaterISAC Participate?
Yes, and it is interested in interacting with members who participate just like it would if the exercise events were real. If your utility or organization intends to participate, please contact WaterISAC by emailing [email protected] to ensure it will be included on WaterISAC's drill-related correspondence.
Want More Information?
Contact CISA's Dams Sector Management Team at [email protected] for additional information. You may also reach out to WaterISAC by emailing [email protected].