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EPA Updates CREAT Methodology Guide

EPA Updates CREAT Methodology Guide

Created: Thursday, April 1, 2021 - 12:44
Federal & State Resources, General Security and Resilience, Natural Disasters

EPA’s WSD has updated the Methodology Guide for its Climate Resilience Evaluation and Awareness Tool (CREAT). The updated guide provides information on the Tool’s risk assessment process, as well as details on the climate science projection data provided in CREAT. Access the guide at EPA.

With the release of the updated guide, EPA WSD also reminds its partners that CREAT was recently updated. The improvements include:

  • A new process for selecting scenario data with the addition of streamflow and coastal flooding projections;
  • An option to assess regional economic consequences using data from EPA’s Water Health Economic Analysis Tool (WHEAT);
  • Updated sea-level rise data; and
  • Improved tutorials and help

Access CREAT at EPA.