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Cyber Resilience - The Evolution of Nation-State Sponsored Cyberattacks

Cyber Resilience - The Evolution of Nation-State Sponsored Cyberattacks

Created: Thursday, August 17, 2023 - 12:17

SentinelOne has written a blog discussing how nation-state sponsored cyberattacks have risen and evolved. While rare at the turn of the millennium, easily deniable cyberattacks are now an accepted geopolitical capability and a major security concern that countries have to address.

The author names China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran as the most sophisticated threat actors in this field and covers their threat profile in the blog. China is known for preferring to follow living off the land tactics and has a wide array of geopolitical goals for its cyber capabilities. Russia often uses supply chain attacks, zero-day exploits, and deception techniques, and it most overtly targets infrastructure due to the current war in Ukraine. North Korea utilizes its cyber capabilities to fund the regime through high value theft, though it has begun to diversify to other priorities. Iran is adaptive and aggressive, focusing on regional targets and boosting the domestic economy. The article also discusses the broader impacts the rise of nation-state cyberattacks has created. Read more at SentinelOne.