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Cyber Incident: Wastewater Agency in Paris, France Reports Attack

Cyber Incident: Wastewater Agency in Paris, France Reports Attack

Created: Tuesday, November 21, 2023 - 13:34
Cybersecurity, OT-ICS Security, Security Preparedness

On Friday, a wastewater agency in Paris, France that manages nearly 275 miles of pipes and services nine million people filed a complaint with the judicial police and National Commission on Informatics and Liberty (CNIL) following the discovery of a cyber attack. The impacted agency, “Service public de l'assainissement francilien” (SIAAP) is the Greater Paris Sanitation Authority.

According to the report, SIAAP IT teams have worked since Wednesday to secure industrial systems and close off all external connections in order to prevent the attack from spreading. Officials said they have prioritized measures that allow them to “maintain the continuity of the public sanitation service for Ile-de-France residents.” At the time of this writing, no further details of the incident have been disclosed, nor have any threat groups claimed responsibility. WaterISAC will continue tracking this report and advise of any notable updates. Reference The Record for more.

Analyst comment: This incident is a reminder that wastewater utilities are just as at risk for cyber attacks as their drinking water counterparts.