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Cyber Attacks Affecting Operations of Critical Infrastructure Have High Probability of Becoming Routine

Cyber Attacks Affecting Operations of Critical Infrastructure Have High Probability of Becoming Routine

Created: Tuesday, July 10, 2018 - 13:43

An article from VPN Compass points to statistics from Akamai’s latest State of the Internet report as a sign that high impact cyber attacks, such as those that affect the operations of critical infrastructure facilities, are starting to occur more frequently and that there’s a high probability of them happening on a routine basis. The article identifies the main drivers of these attacks as the use of new technologies that don’t have any real security or protection available, such as automation and biometrics, combined with rapid advances in hacking. A type of attack that leverages advances in the types of technologies used by potential victims and the increases sophistication of attackers is the Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS), in which upwards of millions of devices are hijacked and directed towards a website or network to overwhelm and disable it. The article warns that in the near future it may be more than just companies that are risk to these types of attacks – entire nations could be. VPN Compass.