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CISA Strategic Intent: Defend Today, Secure Tomorrow

CISA Strategic Intent: Defend Today, Secure Tomorrow

Created: Tuesday, August 27, 2019 - 12:37
Federal & State Resources

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has released the CISA Strategic Intent document, framing the new agency’s mission to protect the nation’s critical infrastructure from physical and cyber threats. The document details CISA Director Christopher Krebs’ strategic vision and operational priorities and will serve as the interim strategy as the agency develops a longer-term strategic plan. CISA encourages organizations to review the CISA Strategic Intent and the CISA website for more information. Read the announcement at CISA.

On the publication of CISA’s Strategic Intent, Representative Bennie Thompson, the chairman of the Committee on Homeland Security, released a statement in which he noted he was “encouraged to see that Director Krebs has a strategy and a vision to guide CISA at this pivotal time.” He added, “This Strategic Intent document sets forth an ambitious agenda, and I hope to hear more from Director Krebs about how he plans to execute the priorities outlined today, and what resources CISA will need in order to do so.” Read the statement at the Committee on Homeland Security.