Today, CISA released a new resource titled, “Violence Prevention through De-escalation Video,” to help critical infrastructure and other community stakeholders identify concerning behaviors and mitigate the risk of targeted violence.
According to CISA, this video provides both security and non-security professionals with conflict prevention techniques and recommended practices that may augment more traditional security procedures. This conflict prevention approach can help individuals who observe activities and behaviors that may be considered suspicious or indicative of potentially violent activity reduce the risk of a potentially volatile situation. Additionally, this video is just one of the many resources offered via CISA’s De-Escalation Series for Critical Infrastructure Owners and Operators. This program includes four products to assist critical infrastructure operators in recognizing, assessing, de-escalating, and reporting threats or suspicious activity. Finally, CISA’s Power of Hello program helps staff identify and navigate suspicious activity or potentially escalating situations to safely dis-engage and report to appropriate authorities. Access the full video at CISA.