The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) just released a new active shooter pocket card to provide individuals with a quick reference guide for potential actions to take when they are encountered by an active shooter.
Ensuring that your organization’s workforce knows what actions to take during a potential active shooter incident is critical for increasing your company’s overall security and resilience and potentially saving lives. Unfortunately, preparedness training for an active shooter incident is growing more important as these incidents increase. The FBI’s most recent analysis of annual active shooter incidents found a 53 percent increase in shootings in 2021 compared to the year prior. Moreover, almost half of all active shooter incidents between 2000-2018 occurred at a workplace, according to FBI data. Thus, conducting regular active shooter preparedness training is an important initiative for helping keep your facility and workforce safe and secure. CISA offers numerous products, tools, and resources to help its partners prepare for and respond to an active shooter incident via its Active Shooter Preparedness webpage. Members can also access the FBI’s Active Shooter resources. Access CISA’s Active Shooter Pocket Card Below.