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Business Continuity - Communication is Key During a Cyber Crisis

Business Continuity - Communication is Key During a Cyber Crisis

Created: Tuesday, June 19, 2018 - 14:32

Cyberscoop highlights a March 2018 Ponemon Institute global study sponsored by IBM Resilient on the importance of cyber resilience for a strong security posture. The post specifically covers the necessity of communicating securely and effectively during a cyber crisis as being crucial to maintaining business continuity. To illustrate the consequences of a lack of preparedness, the post depicts details surrounding last year’s NotPetya attack that left internal and external communications of the shipping giant, Maersk compromised for ten days. Despite majority results indicating respondents’ belief in the increase in severity of attacks, and cyber incidents taking longer to resolve, the study implies that most cybersecurity executives are still neglecting communication needs in their formal cyber incident response and business continuity planning. Not only do management and employees need to communicate securely and effectively during crisis response, but it is equally important to the livelihood of a company to make sure the media is informed timely and appropriately to dissuade potential rumors to protect the organization’s reputation. Cyberscoop.