In a new audio recording, the al Qa’ida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) confirmed what the U.S. announced earlier this month – that its leader, Qasim al-Raymi, has been killed. AQAP also named al-Raymi’s successor, Khalid al-Batarfi, who has a background in the group’s media operations having appeared in several of its video series, including a 2015 tutorial on how to think like al Qa’ida. He’s also praised lone actor attacks and has encouraged more attacks in the West. AQAP was once most dangerous and feared branches or affiliates, but recently it has experienced a series of setbacks (including the death of al-Raymi) that have diminished its once formidable reputation. Although not suggested in the article, the selection of al-Bartafi may reflect a desire by AQAP to compete more with the Islamic State online, which has long had a strong presence in that environment where it has sought to attract recruits and inspire attacks. Read the article at Homeland Security Today.