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Active Shooter Incidents: Topical One-Pagers from the FBI

Active Shooter Incidents: Topical One-Pagers from the FBI

Created: Thursday, February 6, 2020 - 13:00
Physical Security, Security Preparedness

The FBI has published a report compiling statistical data regarding 277 active shooter incidents in the U.S. between 2000 and 2018. Each of the pages in the report focuses on a particular active-shooter topic, such as casualty breakdown, shooter’s weapon, and incident locations. For example, the casualty breakdown page shows that most casualties (both wounded and killed) in active shooter incidents occurred in open spaces, a finding heavily influenced by the 2018 Las Vegas incident that resulted in a total of 547 casualties. Looking exclusively at deaths, the report notes that commercial facilities had the highest number of these (365). In the incident locations page, the report identifies businesses open to pedestrian traffic as having the most number of incidents (74), with lower but still significant numbers for businesses closed to pedestrian traffic (37) and government properties (19). The information in this report is intended for a wide variety of stakeholders, including law enforcement officers, corporations, and the general public.

This report makes can complement the resource document provided through the Hostile Events Preparedness webinar WaterISAC hosted on January 29, 2020. WaterISAC posted the document, as well as the webinar recording, to a page in the Webcast Archive section of its portal. It includes a list of hyperlinked resources for WaterISAC members to learn more about hostile events and best practices for preparedness and response. Previous reports from the FBI discussing hostile events are included in the list. Access the recording and resource document at WaterISAC.