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54 Percent of Executives Say Inappropriate Non-Employee Access Management Caused Security Issues

54 Percent of Executives Say Inappropriate Non-Employee Access Management Caused Security Issues

Created: Tuesday, September 5, 2023 - 14:15

SC Media has written an article discussing the risks of not properly administering and updating an organization’s non-employee identity management systems.

Many companies provide identities to non-employees, such as contractors and non-humans, including for a specific application that needs data. However, 54 percent of executives have observed severe security issues, including data loss and security breaches, as a result of providing access to non-employees and non-humans. This statistic demonstrates many organizations are not providing these categories with access to their networks in a safe and secure manner. The article recommends organizations consider reassessing their current processes for providing identities and determining how to keep these databases updated and regularly pruned. Read more at SC Media.