Summary: In 2024, two key trends defined the cybersecurity landscape: the resilience of cybercriminal networks despite law enforcement actions and the growing complexity of enterprise attack surfaces. In addition, state-sponsored threat actors, primarily linked to China and Russia, intensified their focus on critical infrastructure and leveraged generative AI to conduct influence operations to advance their geopolitical objectives. Recorded Future’s just-released threat report explores these trends and more.
Analyst Note: Recorded Future’s research shows a theme that they labeled as “State-sponsored Influence Operations Escalated,” which coincides with similar findings from WaterISAC’s Threat Analysis Report. Also see WaterISAC’s recent webinar recording that discussed these threats and how they impact the water sector.
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Related WaterISAC PIRs: 6, 7, 7.1, 10, 10.1, 10.2, 11