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Cyber Resilience – How to Prevent Drones from Enabling Cyber Threats Against Your Network

Cyber Resilience – How to Prevent Drones from Enabling Cyber Threats Against Your Network

Created: Tuesday, September 12, 2023 - 12:25
Cybersecurity, Physical Security

Security Intelligence has written an article discussing how drones can be used to enable and exacerbate cyberattacks against organizations, including those with otherwise secured facilities, especially with the backdrop of the Ukrainian war’s advancement in drone tactics.

The article describes a security team at a financial services company that tracked unusual network activity to two separate drones on its roof, each with devices attached to them that were hijacking the internet connection and capturing employee credentials. Threat actors have been observed using drones for surveilling facilities, sniffing out networks by posing as local devices, and jamming communications. The article provides multiple recommended mitigations, including stricter network segmentation, the use of wired networks, and using drones when designing both physical security and conducting penetration tests. Read more at Security Intelligence.