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CISA and FBI Publish Joint Advisory on QakBot Infrastructure

CISA and FBI Publish Joint Advisory on QakBot Infrastructure

Created: Thursday, August 31, 2023 - 12:35
Cybersecurity, Federal & State Resources

CISA and the FBI have released a joint Cybersecurity Advisory (CSA), Identification and Disruption of QakBot Infrastructure, to help organizations detect and protect against newly identified QakBot-related activity and malware. Originally used as a banking trojan to steal banking credentials for account compromise, QakBot has since grown to deploy multiple types of malware, trojans, and highly-destructive ransomware variants targeting the U.S. and other global infrastructures, including in the election infrastructure subsector and the financial services, emergency services, and commercial facilities sectors.

CISA and FBI urge organizations to implement the recommendations contained within the joint CSA to reduce the likelihood of QakBot-related activity and promote identification of QakBot-facilitated ransomware and malware infections. Read more at CISA.