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EPA Updates Decontamination Resources

EPA Updates Decontamination Resources

Created: Thursday, May 26, 2022 - 14:49
Contamination, General Security and Resilience

The EPA’s Water Security Division recently updated its Water Sector Decontamination (Decon) Program webpage and added additional resources to assist utilities through remediation in response to all-hazards water contamination. The first new webpage, “The Basics of Water Remediation,” gives a high-level overview of the remediation process following a water contamination incident, and is broken down into three phases: Characterization, Decontamination, and Clearance Phases. However, this process is not strictly linear and will likely occur simultaneously with other efforts. According to the EPA, “the goal of the Characterization Phase is to discover as much as possible about the extent of contamination. The Decontamination Phase involves the selection and implementation of water treatment and infrastructure decontamination. [And the] Clearance Phase involves sampling and data review to determine if the clearance goals have been met.” The second new resource, “Water Decontamination FAQs for Customers,” is aimed at answering basic questions the public may have surrounding water decontamination. Access the update resources at EPA.