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FBI and Other International Law Enforcement Disrupt Business Email Compromise Schemes

FBI and Other International Law Enforcement Disrupt Business Email Compromise Schemes

Created: Thursday, March 31, 2022 - 14:19

This week, the FBI announced another global law enforcement operation that successfully disrupted Business Email Compromise (BEC) schemes. BEC scams typically target employees of businesses that make payments via wire transfers. These fraudsters usually gain access to a company’s email accounts or spoof their email addresses to send legitimate sounding and well-timed requests for wire transfers, according to the FBI. Over a three-month period, the FBI conducted Operation Eagle Sweep, where they arrested 65 suspected BEC fraudsters in the U.S. and overseas. In coordination with the FBI, Australia, Japan, and Nigeria conducted local operations targeting BEC actors. Operation Eagle Sweep targeted BEC fraudsters who are thought to be responsible for targeting over 500 U.S. victims and causing losses exceeding $51 million.

“The FBI works tirelessly with our domestic and international partners to disrupt and dismantle criminal enterprises, to stop the victimization of U.S. citizens and businesses, and to impose real consequences on cybercriminals using our unique authorities and enduring partnerships,” said Assistant Director Bryan Vorndran of the FBI’s Cyber Division. “Operation Eagle Sweep’s success is directly attributed to our global reach and worldwide partnerships. Our message to criminals involved in these BEC schemes will remain clear: We will pursue you no matter where you may be located. The public we serve deserves nothing less." Read more at the FBI.