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FEMA Announces $3.46 Billion in Mitigation Funding

FEMA Announces $3.46 Billion in Mitigation Funding

Created: Tuesday, August 10, 2021 - 15:52
Federal & State Resources, General Security and Resilience

President Biden has approved $3.46 billion in mitigation funding intended to help communities become safer and more resilient and reduce the effects of climate change. In its announcement, FEMA notes the increasing duration, intensity, and severity of such disasters - which are exacerbated by changes in population, land use, and weather patterns - are alarming and highlight one of the most important emergency management challenges facing the U.S. It adds the impacts of natural hazards on communities, families, individuals, and the economy makes it imperative to invest in creating infrastructure and communities more resilient to natural hazards. The new funding will be provided through FEMA's Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP); FEMA encourages state and local governments with significant vulnerabilities that lack the resources to invest in mitigation to seek to leverage these funds. Read more at FEMA.