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Oldsmar City Officials Identify Areas for Improvement following Water Treatment Plant Compromise

Oldsmar City Officials Identify Areas for Improvement following Water Treatment Plant Compromise

Created: Thursday, March 11, 2021 - 13:57

The water treatment plant compromise in Oldsmar, Florida on February 5 led city officials to reassess and upgrade security measures at the facility, some of which are starting to be disclosed. Last week, the city council unanimously approved an upgrade for the plant’s supervisory controls and data acquisition software that allows a local firm to replace the facility’s current computers and software. It will also install a “simplified yet robust program” used by other local utilities, including a nearby electric utility, as well as install additional security. Oldsmar Mayor Eric Seidel also spoke about other measures the city and plant were taking to prevent another incident. “The city leadership has taken quick corrective actions on the deficiencies discovered in our cyber security, and the plant has been disabled from any Internet connection since the event occurred and remains that way,” he said. Seidel also stated he would share an unedited version of what occurred when the FBI and Secret Service investigations conclude. Read more at Tampa Bay Newspapers.