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Situational Awareness – Coronavirus Cyber Compendium, May 28, 2020

Situational Awareness – Coronavirus Cyber Compendium, May 28, 2020

Created: Thursday, May 28, 2020 - 15:20

Flashpoint continues to track key updates regarding Covid-19 and how the pandemic is impacting cyber operations. Highlights include an FBI report warning of the risk of criminals and nation-states targeting US vaccine research, continued incidents of criminals attempting to scam government programs related to the pandemic, the latest misinformation and disinformation narratives that are popular on social media, and the deployment of Covid-19 tracking apps by governments. HelpNet has also published an article on the challenges of implementing secure methods of remote work, as that continues to be a major challenge that businesses are facing in this “new normal.” While technology makes it incredibly convenient for workers to connect remotely, any secure solution has to take into account concerns over data loss prevention, behavioral analytics, and the privacy concerns of employees. Read more at Flashpoint.