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M-Trends 2019 Report Examines APT Actors and Trends, Observes Increase in Retargeted Attacks

M-Trends 2019 Report Examines APT Actors and Trends, Observes Increase in Retargeted Attacks

Created: Tuesday, March 5, 2019 - 14:14

FireEye Mandiant has just released M-Trends 2019, its annual report on major trends it observed over the past year. One of the trends noted in the report is the significant increase in governments publicly attributing attacks to threat actors, which are oftentimes other nations. FireEye Mandiant is well known for reporting on malicious cyber activity by advanced persistent threat (APT) actors, many of which it indicates are associated with nations. The report identifies four new APT actors while also providing an overview of malicious cyber operations conducted by nations over the past several years. Among its other highlights, the report found that of organizations that suffered a significant breached sometime in the last 19 months, 64% experienced were targeted again by the same or a similarly motivated attack group (an increase from last year’s 56%). FireEye Mandiant will host a webinar on Thursday, March 14 on this report (see the “Upcoming Events” section below). Read the report at FireEye Mandiant.