The indicators of homegrown violent extremist (HVE) mobilization described within a booklet produced by the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC), FBI, and DHS are intended to provide a roadmap of observable behaviors that could inform whether individuals or groups are preparing to engage in violent extremist activities. As noted in the summary about its 2019 Terrorism Threat Assessment, the New Jersey Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness assesses HVEs represent the greatest threat to the state, an assessment shared by FBI Director Christopher Wray in terms of the threat to the overall nation. During a meeting of law enforcement officers in August 2018, he stated, “the primary terrorist threat to the homeland here today, without question, is homegrown violent extremists. That’s what keeps us awake at night.” Unlike many of the other products from the U.S. government that include indicators of potential HVE mobilization, such as Joint Intelligence Bulletins (JIBs), this product is entirely UNCLASSIFED. It also contains more detailed descriptions of indicators than are typically provided.